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Congratulations! All of your hard work in networking, writing a great cover letter and resumé has paid off and landed you an interview. Now what?

While fun for some, interviewing may be a nerve wrecking experience for even the most qualified person out there.

Interviewing is both a fine balance of improvisation and preparation when done well.

This service would focus on how best to prepare for an interview, what tools to utilize in the event it doesn’t go well, and how to standout from other candidates.


Do I need to prepare for an interview?

Absolutely! A prepared candidate comes across as confident and competent. There’s a fine balance in that you don’t want to come across as rehearsed or over-prepared.

What answers are the best when interviewing?

There aren’t right or wrong answers for the most part when interviewing. It really comes down to job and culture fit that’s being assessed by the Interviewers. Certain answers may signal a red flag and I can help discern between your internal locus of control versus external locus of control responses.

I get so nervous. What do I do when I freeze up or don’t have an answer?

Even the best of us may come across a question that completely stumps us. Yes, even panic may set in because this is a job that you really want. My years of meditation training and other stress management work has provided valuable tools that are simple and can help in these circumstances. Even if your answer isn’t the best answer that the company is looking for, they will see firsthand how you handle a stressful situation on the fly, which can be utilized to your benefit.

People often forget that an interview is a two-way dialogue. Even though the organization has the job and the salary that you’re wanting, the same organization has a need to find a talented employee to accomplish their goals.

Our coaching session will focus on how to remain true to your values while highlighting the benefits you can provide to an organization.

I will share tips from having conducted over 10,000 interviews via phone, video, and in-person over the course of my career so far. Additionally, as a Trainer of interviewing and selection with numerous organizations, I’ll share how your answers may be viewed by hiring managers.